Tucker says the craziest, funniest, and sweetest things. It's amazing what goes on through his head and how he expresses himself. It is crazy to think that he'll be three years old in just a few short months. Time really does fly by when you are having fun (and not sleeping much).
Lately his obsession has been poop... yes, I said poop. Everything is poop, poop, poop... Ironically enough, the pooping part is the thing we are having an issue with potty training. But I'll leave that to another blog about potty training...
Here are some of my most favorite sayings/quotes and milestones from the past couple of weeks...
He can count to 20, knows he's from Covington, GA, spell his name, knows his colors, ABCs and can visually recognize all 26 uppercase letters and a few lowercase letters. We are working on his birthday, home phone number, lowercase letters and number recognition (he's pretty good 1-5) for the summer.
"Mommy, I'm so proud of you!" (as I pooped... haha)
"Shhhh... Addie, crying won't make it better."
"Mommy, I poop in the potty like a big boyeee..." (yeh, not so much.)
Mommy - "Tucker, who signed your baseball?" Tucker - "OH! It's Mommy Consuegra!"
"and God bless MawMaw and Papa Bert, Didi and Papa, and.... uhm.... uhm.... CHOCOLATE! Mommy, I love chocolate. Amen." (bedtime prayers)
"Mommy, hold you."
And now for my Addie. Again, I can't believe that she's almost 7 months old. She literally melts my heart with her smile, so you can imagine how Corey must feel about his little girl. If I've ever seen two people who love each other, it's my two babies. Addie follows Tucker around the room and cries when he's out of her sight. When Tucker plays baseball or basketball, he wants us to clap for him, so Addie's latest "trick" is clapping her hands and laughing at her big brother. They seriously love one another so much. I can only hope and pray that it lasts for their lifetime. Here are some of Addie's stats for the past few weeks as well:
*6 month appt: 17lbs, 9oz, 26 inches long.
*Clapping her hands
*"gagagagaga" sound
*rolling over from her belly to back
*sitting alone without any support
*sleeping 10-11 hours at night, without a bottle
*growling/giggling when she is happy
As for me and Corey, we are still just as busy as ever. The campaign for Board of Education is keeping me extremely busy as well as planning for teaching in the Fall. Corey traveled to Japan in April, as well as Michigan, Arkansas, NY, NJ, FL, KY, and OK in May.
I love when that little girl claps her hands!!!
ReplyDeletePamela, I have enjoyed reading your blog! Those kiddos are PRECIOUS! Hope ya'll are doing wonderful amongst the craziness!