1. trip to MawMaw and Papa Bert's house in Maryland for a fun-filled wedding weekend.
2. our 4 year wedding anniversary!!
3. Addie's first cookies and her new "tricks"
4. Tucker's first movie and some fun stories
During the second week of June, Team Consuegra hopped a Delta flight to Baltimore to spend 5 days with MawMaw, Papa Bert, Uncle "D", Aunt Kristin, and the ever-so-loved Baby Tyson. It worked out that one of Corey's good childhood friends was getting married that weekend, so we were able to celebrate with wedding festivities as well. I'm ashamed to say that I was a bad photographer for the week and only got a few cute shots of the three Consuegra grandchildren.. These are from the wedding rehearsal dinner... Thanks to the Allnutt family for hosting!!
During the week had a great visit with Abuela y Abuelo (Corey's grandparents), and all of MawMaw's family while we celebrated Cousin Josh's graduation from the University of Maryland! Way to go Josh! Aunt Jan, Uncle Joel, cousin Josh, and Aunt Susie babysat Addie, Tucker and Tyson so all of us could enjoy Ryan and Samm's wedding on Saturday night.
On June 17th, Corey and I celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary! I guess time really does FLY by when you are having babies... I mean fun!
On June 16th, Addie turned 7 months old... over 1/2 way to being a year old! REALLY?! Clapping her hands and squealing, or growling, is still her favorite way to expressing excitement and happiness, and she's beginning to babble more sounds and more often. She's trying her very best to wave "bye bye", but her hand just won't quite cooperate just yet. When she's on her tummy, sometimes her knees get in the crawling position, but there's still no intent on moving on her own yet. Why crawl when you have a Mommy that'll carry you, right? She really enjoys her cookies now and is eating a lot of table food, just mashed up. I wish I had given Tucker table food, rather than jarred baby food, much earlier... Here are some sweet pictures of my sweet girl...
As for Tucker, because he's doing such a great job potty training, we promised him a trip to the movies for his latest obsession... TOY STORY 3!! We dropped off Addie and Didi and Papa Mikes so that the three of us could have a special date. I am so lucky to have two such handsome men to take me out!
As you can see, he was ready for his movie, complete with Toy Story tshirt and Toy Story, in particular, Buzz Lightyear socks! When we walked into the movie theater, hands full of popcorn and Coke, his first words were, "Mommy! That's a BIG TV!" He laughed out loud, giggled when I giggled, and asked LOTS of questions about the projector (the "little" TV) and overall LOVED the movie experience. We are very excited to take him again soon.
Just one cute story from Tucker: Lately his new habit has been to wake in the middle of the night and come in our room. Because Addie is sleeping well, I'm not too awake when he says "Mommy, I wanna get in your bed", so needless to say, he gets in our bed. But last week, after he climbed in bed with us and kicked me constantly for 15 minutes straight, Addie cried out. Corey settled her down and got back in bed. Then, Tucker rolled over and hugged me tightly and said in a sweet whisper, "Mommy, I love you so much." Yep, my heart just melted all over again. He really is Mommy's boy!
Thats too sweet! That story about Tucker made me CRY!!